This book is for lovers and those who infuriate them. It is for those who have never been loved, or who have loved too much. It is for those who have never been hurt, or who have cried in the dark.
Published by Plutonium
420 pages, Paperback
ISBN 9 780646 496160
Published by Plutonium
420 pages, Paperback
ISBN 9 780646 496160
All of us yearn for affection. We ache for intimacy. We pine for solace. We burn for love. Indeed, love can be baffling and tormenting. The world’s troubles would lift and drift if those whom we loved, could love us in return.
This book is for lovers and those who infuriate them. It is for those who have never been loved, or who have loved too much. It is for those who have never been hurt, or who have cried in the dark. It is for those who have never uttered the three magic words, or who have never heard them, or who have no words left – thanks to friends who have no idea how destructive their indifference can be.
Jonar Nader will blast a few volts into your love-life. If you’re lucky, you might be the one to get zapped.