Excerpts from Lose Friends

Competitive advantage

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BTB_Competitive_advantageFrom Lose Friends Radio comes this segment called ‘Competitive advantage’, narrated as an excerpt from one of Jonar’s books. You can read the transcript below, or listen to the original broadcast by clicking on the green play button: [audio:BTB_41_Competitive_Advantage.mp3]

From the Lose Friends series, here is what Jonar Nader has written about: COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE?

In the networked world, there is no such thing as a competitive advantage through technology. In the public sector, the best that technology can do is reduce wastage. In the business environment it can, at best, reduce operating expenses; not create an advantage. No competitive advantage can be created with technology unless it is exclusive, powerful, and absolute. Can you name a technological device or system that can deliver all three?

For information about Jonar’s books, please visit the official website www.LoseFriends.com

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