Excerpts from Lose Friends

Convergent technologies

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BTB_Convergent_technologiesFrom Lose Friends Radio comes this segment called ‘Convergent technologies’, narrated as an excerpt from one of Jonar’s books. You can read the transcript below, or listen to the original broadcast by clicking on the green play button: [audio:BTB_43_Convergent_Technologies.mp3]

From the Lose Friends series, here is what Jonar Nader has written about: CONVERGENT TECHNOLOGIES

It used to be the case that technologies, innovations, and improvements converged very slowly to construct new machines, new processes, and improved performance. Once this phenomenon was understood, the boardroom zealots started to force-fit elements so that they could be converged into a new whiz-bang product. Within this, the ‘ER’ craze was born wherein things were said to be better if they were faster, smaller, bigger, cheaper, lighter, and so it went. These days organisations are trying to converge the Internet with their existing systems to arrive at all sorts of dubious electronic solutions that ultimately distract them. The most important element to comprehend is that convergence must not focus on the materials being brought together, but on what it is that the new combination produces.

For information about Jonar’s books, please visit the official website www.LoseFriends.com

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