Excerpts from Lose Friends

Forming a gossip club

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BTB_Gossip_ClubFrom Lose Friends Radio comes this segment called ‘Forming a gossip club’, narrated as an excerpt from one of Jonar’s books. You can read the transcript below, or listen to the original broadcast by clicking on the green play button: [audio:BTB_50_Gossip_club.mp3]

From the Lose Friends series, here is what Jonar Nader has written about: FORMING A GOSSIP CLUB

I encourage the formation of Gossip Clubs. Meet colleagues for lunch or dinner and exchange war stories, discuss the industry, its people, and the funny things that have happened. It should be an uplifting experience, but gossip must have limits within the confines of ethics. It is amazing how people seem to think that secrets have an expiry date. Human frailty is something we all contend with, yet we seem to delight in watching others fumble with it. Such a perverse sense of voyeurism is unhealthy. Common decency requires that we give people their space and allow them their errors of judgement. It is not our business to sully our colleagues’ reputations.

For information about Jonar’s books, please visit the official website www.LoseFriends.com

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