Excerpts from Lose Friends

Information vs Informotion

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BTB_Information_versus_InformotionFrom Lose Friends Radio comes this segment called ‘Information vs Informotion’, narrated as an excerpt from one of Jonar’s books. You can read the transcript below, or listen to the original broadcast by clicking on the green play button: [audio:BTB_39_Information_vs_Informotion.mp3]

From the Lose Friends series, here is what Jonar Nader has written about: INFORMATION vs INFORMOTION

Data cannot become information until it informs the recipient about matters relevant to the recipient. Information is nothing more than graffiti until it is customised to the user. This means that information must have form and structure. The second important element is that survival depends on our ability to keep up with the market-pace. As such, information needs to become informotion; it must have motion. It must be able to live and grow.

Not only must information exist within the requirements of the user; not only must it have form and structure, it must also be connected to its source so that it continuously updated and in real time.

For information about Jonar’s books, please visit the official website www.LoseFriends.com

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