
Standby for tri-technology terrorists

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Beware the day when we have to fight the ‘tri-technology terrorist’ who will use three types of technology: nano-tech, bio-tech, and chemical-tech. In this video, Jonar notes that those who said, ‘The world changed since September 11’, do not understand world affairs. Further below is a transcript of the video.

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Here is the transcript:

Jonar Nader: And I say to you that terrorism is not about where they place the next bomb. The terrorists I’m concerned about don’t care to blow you up, or not blow you up. It’s too messy. They’re far too intelligent. And beware the day when the terrorists will be called the tri-terrorists meaning T3. T3, the terrorist that has three things. Nanotech, biotech, and chemical tech. Put those together, put them in the hand of a terrorist and where will we stop? But they’re not interested in blowing things up. They’re interested in something more; something else. Yet, we have a fixation that we think terrorism is about bombs and explosions and fighting and guns. It has got nothing to do with that, whatsoever.

And having seen not two buildings go down in a city but every single building in Beirut go down, every single building, not two in a city and God bless them all. A horror as this was, when people said to me the world changed since September 11, I knew that I was talking to a dumbo. Anybody who says the world changed in September 11 has a zero understanding of world affairs. Buildings have been going down left, right and center for decades. Now, the world has changed because another two buildings went down? Or because it was graphic and horrible and you actually got to see it. Thank goodness for the video camera.

The world did not change on September 11. Everything is different and nothing has changed so we declared war on terror. Thank you. Well, how well did we do on the war on poverty? That has been going on for decades. And how well did we do on the war on hunger? I thought that was declared a long time ago and there was a war on waste. We live in a clean environment. You want to see waste? And then remember the good old days prior to Nixon and everybody else. There was a war on drugs. Are we winning that war? Now, if we’re not winning this war, what makes you think we’re going to win the other war then? I think this is a war on our destiny. There is a projectile. There is a trajectory. We are heading in a direction and we are destined for something. Not in a spooky, spiritual sense. In a practical, mechanical sense, we are destined and I think our war here is to stop where we are heading.

So, what was the number you locked in, I wonder? Share it with the person next to you so you could expose yourselves. Go on. Tell the person next to you. Tell what number did you select? Commit to a number. Well, I’m not going to ask you because that’s private. But do you know, when I present it to intelligence officers of all shapes and sizes, their answer was cumulatively – I think the average came at 20. The intelligence officers from all sorts of intelligence organizations said 20 and I said ‘extreme’. The trajectory, the direction and everything pointing to it is going there.

I hate using such horrible language but I really think that we are doomed. This is an ugly word. And forgive me today. I’ll be speaking so fast in this short period of time but there will be many ugly things shown too. Well, let’s see why. First of all, we run around studying terrorism but that does not help us to understand the terrorists of whom there are many types. Studying terrorism is not really the same as understanding terrorists yet we have people who are experts in all sorts of methodologies to do with tracking and surveillance and bombs and explosives and sniffer dogs and electronics and every shape and size of travel and transport and insurance and industry. And they are so fixated. It’s like studying locks and barrels and the criminals are out there doing the criminal thing. But they know everything about doors and locks and glass and shatterproof glass. It’s a different story from understanding the criminal. Not that terrorists are criminals. And I’ll explain that in a moment to you.

If terrorists were business people, where would they sit on the management hierarchy? For example, think of a management hierarchy. Generally speaking, you have a CEO. You have a board. You have the operations staff. You have marketing, you have sales. If terrorists were business people, they just came over to this side, what kind of person would they be? Would they be the leader, the engineer, the designer, the innovator, the cash register clerk, the forklift driver? Well, to me, I see – the ones we need to worry about because there are many types of terrorists but the ones we need to worry about – to me, are entrepreneurs. And my definition of entrepreneur are those who give everything they own including their life to test an idea that most people think is unsound. Think of an entrepreneur that you know who opens a store or writes a book or whatever they do. Really that person is forever is being told, no, you can’t do it but they give it everything they’ve got because they absolutely want to test the idea they have, that everyone else says is crazy. So, that’s the kind of person that I’m talking about.

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