
Ten types of terrorists

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Perhaps there are hundreds of types of terrorists. In this video, Jonar lists the top-ten types of terrorists about which we ought to be concerned. He gives examples of each type, and ends the list with the most dangerous, and what drives them. Further below is a transcript of the video.

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Here is the transcript:

Jonar Nader: Let’s identify and agree that there are different types of terrorists. Perhaps there are hundreds but I’m just going to give you the top 10 in general brackets. The first at the number 10 and we’ll go all the way up to number one. You’ve got the daredevil, the hacker’s mind, the terrorist who just likes to test out the system to see if they can break it, to see if they can embarrass you, to see if they can cause you havoc, to see if they can disturb your community or country just for the fun of it, just because they don’t like you, just because they have a little bit of a personality issue, whatever. They’re just trying things on. They don’t have any other hidden agenda.

Then we have the defiant. These are categorized as delusional and delirious. They’re defiant and delusional and no matter how many times you tell them, ‘You have lost. Will you now put down your weapons?’ they go, ‘No, we have not lost. No, this country is still ours and this is still–’ And they just will not accept a ‘no’ and they will continue and continue and continue because there’s no stopping until they go back to the position they reminisce.

At eight, going up the scale, there are those who do not know that they are terrorists. They don’t really mean any harm to you just so long as you don’t interrupt them in their flow. Now, let me take you back to my friend, the swimmer. Remember the difference between understanding and no comprehension? How can someone not know they’re a terrorist? I’ll prove this to you. Do you know that there are people out there within your household perhaps who have music on their PC or on CD that was pirated or downloaded or copied or they have a DVD or a video of something that they did not pay for and we say to them this is intellectual property. You are not authorized to copy that music. And they say in their heart with every earnestness of solid belief, ‘But I’m not hurting anyone.’

But you are committing a crime. First, it’s against the law. You cannot copy music. You cannot download music like this. You have to pay for it. But they say, ‘I know Jonar. Okay. But I’m still going to do it anyway,’ because in their heart, they feel so pure. I’m not hurting anyone and besides, I’m publicizing the musician and I’m giving them exposure and I’m helping them promote themselves and there’s another counter-argument. Do you see what I mean? And there are people equally like this. They say, no, I’m not a terrorist.

The disenfranchised, the people who say, ‘Hang on a minute. I thought we were sharing this town together.’ And now, all of a sudden, we’re on the fringe. Why do you have access to the water and I don’t? Why do you have this lovely house at the top of the hill and I have to share? And they’re going to hang on a minute and they say, ‘No, you’re not going to disenfranchise us. We’re still part of this community too,’ and they’ll take up arms.

The disowned who were just playing little Teletubbies, hubby and daughter and mother and father and son and just sitting there and minding their own business, watching Humphrey B. Bear been there and all of a sudden, their houses is crumbled. Now, it happens in Victoria with the bush fires and we think, how horrible that is but we have a sense of, well, that’s the past now. For these people, there is no past because they won’t let them rebuild. Get out. And so now, they become refugees, not the pouring of the millions of dollars to help them rebuild as horrible as it is. Get out. And so they become terrorists. They were sitting there, minding their own business.

Then you have number five, the disgusted, the people who say, ‘I just don’t like what you do.’ Just stop doing it. Stop picking your nose. Stop sniffling. Stop coughing. Stop smoking. Stop this, stop that and stop doing anything by going topless on a beach and drinking after hours and not doing this and not doing that. And you disgust me and I don’t like your customs. And therefore – and they are really doing you a favor because they want to show you the better way. They want to rid you of your sins.

There are the desirous who look and say, ‘Well, if you can afford that, I want it. I’m sure you can afford another one.’ So, they’ll hold you up. They’ll be pirates at sea. They’ll break into your house. And in their heart they think, well, if you can afford a house like this, you’re not going to miss a bit of jewelry. I’m sure you can afford it. You’re probably insured.

The disciples, the devotees, the comrades in arms who either need a job and therefore someone pays them and there are so many people out there fighting battles simply on salary. They don’t really understand the mission. They don’t understand the story. Hey mate, you know, we’re the same something, same town, same language, same religion, same skin color, same something or, ‘You’re paying me nicely. I like you. I’ll come and help you.’ There are so many people out there causing problems because they’re getting paid.

Number two, you have the deported, the deposed. These are the people called freedom fighters and they say, ‘We shall go to the death.’ Now, what is at number one? This presentation is really about the number one because you could spend decades talking about all these others and it becomes so convoluted. And then you start mentioning one religion or another or one city and then they go, oh, yes, but the United Nations resolution, yes, but when they – and oh, once you unravel it. And then it gets to the point where his grandfather killed his grandfather and therefore, I’ve got to kill you. And it just keeps going. But at number one are those who have absolutely a great conviction that God has sent them on this mission.

What I don’t understand is why they think God is so almighty and so all powerful when he needs them.

Jonar Nader: You know, why does God need you? So they’re all of a sudden agent for God.

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