Believe it or not

Honey, I’m still at the office

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BION_22From Lose Friends Radio comes this ‘Believe it or not’ segment Number 22, called ‘Honey, I’m still at the office’. You can read the transcript below, or listen to the original broadcast by clicking on the green play button:

Believe it or not, according to Jonar Nader, a new mobile phone on the market contains over 50 background noises and sound-effects. It is being promoted as ‘the phone that helps you cover your tracks’.

Family and ethics groups are unhappy about the advertising campaign because they say that children are being encouraged to lie to their parents.

During a normal phone conversation, the caller can press a button to select from a range of realistic background sounds. The person at the other end can be led to believe that the caller is in a different environment. For example, an office worker might be at a holiday resort, but call the office saying that he is sick in hospital. The background noises supplied by the phone would corroborate their story.

Other settings include an office environment, a school playground, a shopping centre, a beachside, a train station, and an airport.

Over 400 other sounds can be downloaded for a small fee from the company’s Website.

The top-of-the-range phone also contains a recording feature so that users can record their own selection of environments.

The company is now working on a model that also offers noise cancellation. This would enable callers to use their phone in a noisy environment, but the listener at the other end would not be able to hear any background sounds. This protects caller privacy particularly if they happen to be at an easily identifiable location like a casino.

Believe it… or not.

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