Believe it or not

Money money money

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BION_13From Lose Friends Radio comes this ‘Believe it or not’ segment Number 13, called ‘Money money money’. You can read the transcript below, or listen to the original broadcast by clicking on the green play button: [audio:Jonar_Nader_13_BION_Money_money_money.mp3]
Believe it or not, according to Jonar Nader, five officials from the world’s leading banks, each a multimillionaire, were sacked from their respective positions, for daring to put forward a plan for a world-wide currency.

The Magnificent Five, as they were Dubbed by Fleet Street, were suggesting that if the world adopted one currency, there would be a large-scale productivity boost, the likes of which the world has never known.

“A world currency would remove the daily wastage and anxiety,” said a spokesman. “It must be the biggest joke in the world that currency values change by the minute. This is destroying nations and crippling industries. There is no reason whatsoever for the US dollar to fluctuate so dramatically against the Yen” he added.

“If we can just agree that one dollar means one dollar, we can stop the stupidity of monetary policy, interest rates, and other energy-sapping practices,” he exclaimed.

The Magnificent Five are not being taken seriously. Their opponents have been busy trying to tarnish their reputation. This is because far too many power-brokers stand to lose far too much money if a world currency were introduced.

An IMF executive said, “Yes, there are inefficiencies in the current system, but the world does not know any other system. To change the current monetary framework would change civilisation as we know it.”

Believe it… or not.

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