Jonar's philosophies

On greed

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Boss_06_GreedFrom Lose Friends Radio comes this reading ‘On greed’, narrated as an excerpt from ‘How to Lose Friends and Infuriate Your Boss’. You can read the transcript below, or listen to the original ABC recording by clicking on the green play button: [audio:Boss_Jonar_Nader_06_Greed.mp3]


Of all the species, we humans seem to be the least co-ordinated. We amass wealth without purpose. We grow without reason. We consume without need. In the end, what starts out as a quest to provide our families with daily bread, ends up a mad dash for more. Do you want more? How much more? If you do not know what will satisfy you, you will never be satisfied with anything. As Mona Bennett once said, ‘What will be enough, if enough is not enough?’ There is something insanely brilliant about nature’s revenge. It gives you all the freedom you can’t handle just to remind you who’s boss.

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