Jonar's philosophies

On judgement

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Boss_08_JudgementFrom Lose Friends Radio comes this reading ‘On judgement’, narrated as an excerpt from ‘How to Lose Friends and Infuriate Your Boss’. You can read the transcript below, or listen to the original ABC recording by clicking on the green play button: [audio:Boss_Jonar_Nader_08_Judgement.mp3]


‘Don’t judge people.’ ‘Don’t be judgemental.’ These admonitions are meant to discourage us from being harsh or rash in our assessment of others. A judgemental person is thought to be unreasonable. In fact, in a survey, 90% of executives said that they rely on judgement to prevent them from drowning in data. They operate at such high speeds, and engage in so many projects simultaneously, that they could not survive if they did not make judgements about the inputs they receive. Intuition plays a big part in supporting judgemental behaviour. The other major contributor is the ability to discern between useful and unreliable information.

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