
When did the millennium begin?

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When does the millennium begin

When does a new millennium begin. People celebrated the new millennium at midnight of the last day of 1999, but Jonar Nader argues and calculates that the new millennium started on the first January 2001. To listen to an excerpt from the radio broadcast, please click on the green play button below.


Here is a transcript of the audio file.

When did the millennium begin

Host: Jonar Nader is with us as he is every Monday at this time, Good evening Jonar we have to get to this question which we have put off many times. When does the Millenium begin and there was a choice
1. 1st January 2001
2. 1st January 2000 or
3. between 2005 and 2010 why would it be so late anyway

Jonar Nader: Well because of the calender. You know the Romans the Greeks and the Babylonians used to run the calendar on both the moon and the sun and they found out that it actually didn’t work that way so they dropped the moon and they went with the sun. Then the Romans at that time had a 10 month calendar and that is why December is called December as Deci means 10 and it was the last month but 10 months is obviously wrong so they used to have each year so many hours late so they dropped a day here and there. The point of all of this is that the calendar was so wrong and in a matter of a few years the whole thing was out by months. In 46BC Julius Caesar decided he would have leap years and you know July was named after Julius and August was named after Augustus, well they decided to insert those 2 months to make up for these many months that were lost which meant that all the names were wrong, October is actually the 8th month not the 10th month. Octo means 8 and November Nove means 9 in actually the 11th month. February used to be a 30 day month and July was 31 day month and August was 30 but Augustus got jealous and said how come Julius can have 31 days, I want 31 days too so we stole a day from February and put it into August to make Augustus happy.

Now Julius’ calendar went on for 16 decades and then pope Gregory 13th adjusted it in 1582AD by which time it was out again by so many days so every now and then they dropped 10 days off just to even things out and then they started working out all these mathematical equations that never worked. Then the Gregorian calendar, which is still in use today, operated on 365.2425 days which is opposed to the Julian Calendar which is less by a few seconds so the English speaking world thought hang on we are out by a few seconds and in 1752 AD they dropped another 10 days and thought OK that should catch things up. Now the actually solar year is approximately 365.2422 days so we gain 26 seconds a year or 1 day every 3,323 years. So when does the millennium begin? Back in the 1920’s it was decide that a year be divisible by 4000 would not be a leap year so in summary if we take all that into account we are really out by a few days not 5 or 10 years as people are suggesting and technically the 1st January 2001 is the correct start of the new millennium that is if you take the meaning of millennium as the period of 1000 years of Christ’s awaited reign on earth as opposed to a period or cycle of a thousand years. So the correct answer is the millennium starts the 1st January 2001.


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