For customers to pay more, with pleasure, we must attend to the triple top-line: Staff, Quality, & Customers. Here, Jonar discusses staff engagement. He explains that we must stop ‘telling’ and start ‘teaching’ our staff, to that they are believe understand, accept, and adopt… consistently, of their own accord. They need to learn in such as way that they draw their own conclusions.
There are two videos below. The second one is of a higher quality for those with high-speed internet connection. The first video is 15 Mb. The second is 27 Mb. Video length is 8 minutes and 28 seconds.
[flashvideo file=wp-content/uploads/Video_Streams/Jonar_Nader_Why_staff_do_not_listen_Low_res.flv /]
[flashvideo file=wp-content/uploads/Video_Streams/Jonar_Nader_Why_staff_do_not_listen_Hi_res.flv /]
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