Mobile courtroom

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We now have mobile speed cameras. Well, how about mobile courtrooms? We can have vans filled with prosecutors and a judge, driving around and dropping-in on people. If they see any violations, they can issue fines and penalties on the spot. The photo above is from an Italian restaurant in Chatswood, a suburb north of Sydney, Australia. The main exit doors are locked in order to accommodate diners. I do not know why we have regulations, and why it is so easy for anyone to get away with such a flagrant disrespect for the law. What use is an inquiry, after patrons are dead? Why can’t we have a group of tough-as-nails, no-nonsense prosecutors who pounce on those who have no regard for the safety of others.

The photo below is just as amazing. We see a door whose sign insists that the door remain closed at all times. It is a fire door in a tall building in Castlereagh Street, Sydney. These fire doors must remain closed so that the smoke suction units at the top of the building can extract the asphyxiating smoke out of the fire stairs. With this door open, the extraction fans simple cannot work. So here we have a well-equipped building, filled with people, whose lives are endangered for two reasons: 1) The Building Manager cannot read, and 2) None of the tenants are agitated enough to take action. I’d like to see Judge Judy on wheels.

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