If you lose your computer, how can anyone know that it is yours? If you hold a high-profile public office, you might not want people to know that they are in possession of your computer. In which case, you would be happy to activate the ‘destroy’ programme that begins to erase your disk the moment that someone tries to hack into it. (Or you could use the name of a friend.)
On the other hand, what if an honest person were to find your computer? They might want to contact you. For this reason, I would suggest that all computers have an optional identification screen that shows up the moment that they are turned on. In this way, a stranger can turn the computer on and realise whose it is, and contact the owner. The security password would not enable a stranger to look inside the computer, and this is a good thing. But how else would anyone know that it is your computer, short of you sticking something on the back, or engraving the casing? This is a free idea for Apple whose welcome screen does not allow the user to customise a message to a stranger. Here is what the welcome screen should look like.

Oh and by the way, I have been asking for computers with handles! When will a company make a notebook with a handle? I just want to be able to carry it and walk down the road. A computer seems to have every gadget under the sun, yet, not a handle, despite it being a portable device. Strange what companies overlook!
P.S. Either way, what if you really do lose your computer and it never returns. Have you backed up all the important files? I should not have to remind you. I am such a paranoid archivist, that at one time, my local supermarket thought that I was a music pirate because I would purchase hundreds of blank CDs and DVDs (until I found a wholesaler who sold them in bulk at better prices). I used these to back-up my files. The last thing an author needs is to lose the manuscript. I had files shipped all over the country in case of an atomic blast, a bush fire, theft, or file corruption. I have had such bad experiences, that the paranoia lives on!
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