Please explain

Economies of scale

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There is no doubt that some ice-cream is so delicious, that it’s worth the extra price. However, the average variety cannot maintain an exorbitant price in view of the superior products on offer at a local supermarket. Three scoops at $6.50 sounds affordable, but if there are four of you, that’s $26. Add a drink each, that comes to $50. So, the shopper begins to wonder about the value. If you know that two litres can be purchased at $5.98, the decadence appears sinful.

Of course we know that an ice-cream store has to pay rent and wages and a host of other expenses in order to prepare a quality product. Still, in the end, it’s a tough sell. There are certain businesses that find it impossible to survive. They could blame the supermarkets, or they could just admit that home-made products are not as appealing within certain industries where the factories are doing an equally splendid job. And while the small parlour has some appeal, or romance, about how it displays and serves its desserts, the average person is not that far removed from good quality ice-cream. Bumping into an ice-cream store is no big deal, given that it would not have been that long a time since the average shopper had enjoyed a delicious serving either at home or from any corner store. The ice-cream parlour needs to re-invent itself. It is doable. For example, who would have thought that photography studios could ever make a come-back? Everyone owns a camera these days, yet there are outfits who dare to charge $4,000 for a photo-shoot… and people are paying!

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